четверг, 8 января 2015 г.

Smokey Robinson plastic surgery before and after photos


  1. Photos Smokey Robinson;

  2. Smokey Robinson plastic surgery before and after photos;

  3. Smokey Robinson facelift;

  4. Biography;


  6. Video.


Smokey Robinson plastic surgery before and after photos

Andre Franklin:

I don't see why so many people are getting worked up over whether or not she had plastic surgery. It really shouldn't matter to us whether it is surgery or makeup. If someone wants to get it, then that should just be their business. What's important is that you are comfortable with yourself and the way you look.

Smokey Robinson plastic surgery before and after photos

Smokey Robinson plastic surgery before and after photos

Elias Rufus:

I agree Andre. There's a lot to do with the situation. I think that plastic surgery can really promote your health. I feel like nose surgery is so common now that it wouldn't surprise me at all if she really did get that done. I have 3 friends who have gotten nose surgery in the past year. They said the recovery wasn't fun but they like the results.

About Smokey Robinson

How old is Smokey Robinson? February 19, 1940 (age 74)
Did Smokey Robinson have facelift? Yes
Profession Singer, songwriter, record producer, record executive
Did Smokey Robinson have plastic surgery? Yes

Comments to plastic surgery

Bob Strong:

I wouldn't be surprised if she did consider the option. I feel like most people can notice something they would like changed as they grow older. Rhinoplasty is actually really common these days.

Marcus Fillion:

People immediately assume it was surgery, but makeup can change your face as well. Plastic surgery is the route to go if you want to change something permanently, not simply play with contouring. I wonder of she'll ever consider the option, especially as she gets older.

Video Smokey Robinson plastic surgery before and after photos

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