четверг, 8 января 2015 г.

Raquel Welch plastic surgery before and after photos


  1. Photos Raquel Welch;
  2. Raquel Welch plastic surgery before and after photos;
  3. Raquel Welch facelift;
  4. Biography;
  6. Video.


Raquel Welch plastic surgery before and after photos


I feel like plastic surgery is a personal decision. Everyone should be confident and happy with what they have. If what they have doesn't make them happy it should be their right to change it to what they think looks good. The key is to not get carried away because you still want to look like yourself.
Raquel Welch plastic surgery before and after photos
Raquel Welch plastic surgery before and after photos

Caleb Hart:

Plastic surgery is not for everyone. You can't blame some people for being "haters." They just don't feel like they need it, or they want it but can't afford it. I think it is good for women to feel confident in their bodies and if they need to get plastic surgery done to feel so then so be it.

About Raquel Welch

How old is Raquel Welch? September 5, 1940 (age 74)
Did Raquel Welch have facelift? Yes
Profession Actress
Did Raquel Welch have plastic surgery? Yes

Comments to plastic surgery

Helen Malingo:

When I was married, I told my husband I would never get breast surgery done even though I was very self conscious with my body, especially my top half. Wendy Williams, you look amazing, you go girl! I really love the way clothes fit you and hug your body.

Kiara Thorne:

I think it's great that she is happy with how she looks. I would do that if I could. I wouldn't judge someone for changing how they look so that they are happy.

Video Raquel Welch plastic surgery

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