четверг, 8 января 2015 г.

Pastor Paula White plastic surgery before and after photos


  1. Photos Pastor Paula White;
  2. Pastor Paula white plastic surgery before and after photos;
  3. Pastor Paul facelift;
  4. Biography;
  6. Video.


Pastor Paula white plastic surgery before and after photos

Dom Boyd:

I think that if she did have plastic surgery she would say so. I don't see why you wouldn't. If you are physically altering your body, you'd think people would notice. She's right, though. Makeup can make you look completely different.
Pastor Paula white plastic surgery before and after photos

Emily Merrell:

I know that a lot of people think that Nicki had plastic surgery, but I believe that she didn't. She just wears a ton of makeup to make her look so beautiful. I would love to get plastic surgery someday. Mostly I want just a facelift and a tummy tuck.

About Pastor Paul

How old is Pastor Paul?  January 4, 1969 (age 44)
Did Pastor Paul have facelift?  Yes
Profession  Singer
Did Pastor Paul have plastic surgery?  Yes

Comments to plastic surgery

Jake Jamison:

I don't see what the big deal is if she did have plastic surgery, or if she didn't. People speak of plastic surgery as if it has a negative connotation or image. It is a personal choice. Sure, it might not be the best option for everyone, but if someone wants to get plastic surgery, they have every right to do so.

Nora Santos:

I think it is funny how people make such a big deal out of plastic surgery. With or without plastic surgery, Nicki Minaj looks great. I don't think plastic surgery is something people need to be ashamed to get.

Video Pastor Paula white plastic surgery before and after photos

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